Detoxification, rejuvenation, renewal or what is DRR?

Detoxification, rejuvenation, renovation - detoxification, rejuvenation, renewal of the body and all this in the products from the DRR series of Vertera. A healing program of 7 phytocomplexes, each of which normalizes the work of the body's most important systems.


The program includes more than 50 plant extracts with unique bioactive properties and combined into a comprehensive program to maintain youth and health.

VITA-MIN FOOD, HEMO FOOD, RESPIRA FOOD, ATHERO FOOD, NEPHRO FOOD, HEPA FOOD, GASTRO FOOD. These are the 7 specialized phytocomplexes of the DRR-PROTECTION program. Each of them is taken according to a scheme for maximum absorption by the body.

To improve digestion and the gastrointestinal tract is taken care of GASTRO FOOD. Product with bioactive components - chamomile, hops, fennel, St. John's wort and pectin.

RESPIRA FOOD - the product that takes care of your respiratory system - the absorption of oxygen from the lungs to its intracellular consumption. Contains licorice root, burdock, calendula and plantain leaves.

VITA-MIN FOOD to restore the mucous membrane, balance the microflora and remove metabolites.

NEPHRO FOOD is a product that will stimulate the work of the kidneys and restore their tissue. Contains bearberry, parsley, chamomile, pectin and juniper.

The normalization of the blood supply to all organs and systems is taken care of ATHERO FOOD. the product will improve nutrition, brain function and eye retina.

HEMO FOOD is a product that helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells. It improves the quality of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid. In its composition there are celery, rosehip, black currant, nettle, hawthorn, chaga mushroom and pectin.

HEPA FOOD will enhance the detoxification function of the liver. The detoxification will be taken care of by its ingredients: corn, chamomile, rose hips, milk thistle, dandelion, ginseng and pectin.

The products are certified manufactured in accordance with international quality standards.

Vertera products are designed to help the body's detoxification processes and the absorption of vitamins, minerals and all the beneficial ingredients of the food we eat.

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