Digestive enzymes - what is it?

What are enzymes?

"Accelerators" of chemical reactions in our body, or in other words - enzymes. In 1878, the German physiologist Wilhelm Kuhne first coined the term enzyme. They are protein molecules that enhance chemical reactions in our body. Enzymes are essential for respiration, digestion of food, muscle work and building, destruction of toxins, breakdown of food particles in digestion, etc. There are three basic groups of enzymes: digestive, metabolic and food-derived.

Digestive enzymes

Once you consume a food, it begins a long and complex process of breaking down and converting into nutrients that can be used by the body. The process is digestion and it is in this process that enzymes play an important role.

They are produced in the pancreas, stomach, small intestine and even in the salivary glands. Digestive enzymes come in three types:

  • amylase - it breaks down carbohydrates to sugars;
  • protease - breaks down proteins to amino acids and are produced in the stomach, pancreas and small intestine;
  • lipase - breaks down fats to glycerol and fatty acids;

How to recognize their absence?

  • stomach discomfort - expressed in gas and bloating;
  • weakening of the immune system - due to the inability to digest food, there is a decrease in the immune system. A feeling of exhaustion is felt, and also skin irritations;
  • Stress - when we live in a stress-filled everyday life, our body stops producing digestive enzymes;

Help your body by changing your eating habits. Avoid eating on the go. Increase your intake of healthy foods. Read more about Vertera products and how they can be your body's first helper.

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